Does the Maximum Health Sacrifice Keep You From Using Certain Skills?
now it really doesn't matter what your maximum health is, but for the sake of arguement, lets say you are a fully leveled character at 20 with a maximum health of 480. if you want to use a skill like Jaundiced Gaze or Dark Pact, in order for you to break even, just even, you need to have at least 11 points invested in Blood Magic to do so. now i can understand having a maximum health sacrifice for skills that benefit other party members other than yourself. but heaven forbid if you use a skill like Cultist's Fervor or Blood Renewal. i mean seriously, Blood Renewal is a skill you are suppose to use to keep yourself alive. but in crunch time, this skill will actually kill you if you use it when you need it the most. if you are anywhere near or lower than the point of no return 120 HP, you can forget using it. Blood of the Aggressor is the only skill that is the least costly to use. but the same rules even apply with it. instead of 11 points in Blood Magic, you need 7, and again, just to break even. like i said before, i can understand a maximum health sacrifice for those skills that would benefit your party members. but it just makes more sense to me that those skills that benefits no one but yourself should only sacrifice your current health instead of your maximum health. just my opinion....
Jayce Of Underworld
Animate Soul Lich
Energy: 25
Cast: 3
Recharge: 0
Elite Skill. Animate a level 1...14 Soul Lich
at your location and you lose all energy. You
suffer -1 energy regeneration for each Soul Lich
you control. Whenever a Soul Lich you control
deals damage, you gain 2 energy.(Soul Reaping)